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Training practice

Woosehill Medical Centre is a training practice accredited by the Reading VTS to train doctors intending to become general practitioners.

At Woosehill Medical Centre we are committed to the education and training of doctors wanting to become GPs.

The GP recruitment crisis that you may have read about is very real.

Training practices are more likely to be able to recruit new GPs and we hope that by being involved in training we will help to protect the future of general practice.

As part of our commitment to training, you may see a doctor in training when visiting the practice. Our trainee is a valuable member of our team.

GP registrars

Doctors training to be GPs are known as GP registrars. They will run their own clinics under supervision. You might also see them when they are sitting in with, or being observed by, one of our regular doctors or nurses.

Clinical supervision

Dr Sanveer Tiwana is the accredited GP trainer.

Please be reassured that the GP trainee will be supervised at all times by Dr Tiwana or the other GPs in the practice.


Our GP trainee and our GP trainer will sometimes make a video recording of their patient consultations. This is a particularly valuable teaching tool and helps improve a doctor’s consultation skills.

You may be asked for your permission to video your consultation with one of the doctors. Your permission will always be requested beforehand and you have the absolute right to decline the request.

There is no obligation for you to agree to such a recording and there will be no implications whatsoever should you choose not to participate.

If you are agreeable to participating in this valuable teaching aid you will be given written information explaining the process and you will be asked to sign a consent form. Video consent form. If, after the consultation, you change your mind you may withdraw your consent.

Maintaining accreditation

To remain a training practice, the practice is regularly inspected to ensure that we reach all the required standards for this level of teaching.

The inspection involves an audit of data entry into the medical records. Only approved doctors from the Oxford Deanery’s School of General Practice will conduct these assessments.

All information contained in medical records remains confidential. The inspection is only to look at the accuracy and consistency of our data entry processes.

If you require any further information about either the practice as a training practice, the video recording or ongoing practice accreditation, please speak to a member of staff.

Page published: 27 September 2024
Last updated: 27 September 2024